
I offer simple, monthly pricing which will be determined by your business size and accounts complexity. Paying monthly for your accountancy service means you avoid the stress of a large, unexpected accounts bill right when you’re also facing your tax payments.

Since High Flyer Solutions doesn’t have the overheads of old brick and mortar firms who have to cover the cost of their offices, I can offer you a much cheaper and more personal accounting service for a fraction of the price of larger firms.

Some example pricing:


Small Limited Company: £70 per month.

This would include:

  • Help with using an accountancy software such as Freeagent or Xero. Any bookkeeping questions answered.
  • Company accounts preparation and submission to Companies House.
  • Corporation Tax preparation and submission.
  • One self assessment personal tax return for the director.
  • Access to phone calls, WhatsApp messages and emails with a dedicated personal accountant for any questions you may have at any time.


  • Add VAT returns for a VAT registered company: £10 per month
  • Add payroll administration for up to 5 employees: £10 per month.


The above prices assume a company that is correctly using an accounting software such as Xero or Freeagent (I can help with this!) The definition of a ‘small’ limited company would be one without an extremely large number of transactions. A company with investments/property/ large amounts of transactions or employees may cost more – The best way to determine this is to contact me via phone or email and discussing your business.